其實精打細算的網友都比出amazon的價格不見得較便宜,而且同樣的貨物在不同的amazon價格還不一樣。有一陣子我轉投amazon.ca的懷抱,因為同樣的東西,加拿大就是比美國便宜,當時最扯的是band of brothers的鐵盒版dvd,一模一樣的一區版,加拿大光在定價上就比美國硬生生便宜台幣1000元,其他書籍也是便宜數十元不等。不過後來我發現加拿大的運送時間慢得要命,美國用普通郵政寄出的話,短則一週,長則兩週內必會收到,加拿大一拖就是一個月;在考慮過要用「金錢換取時間」還是「時間換取金錢」,我又乖乖回到了。
其實精打細算的網友都比出amazon的價格不見得較便宜,而且同樣的貨物在不同的amazon價格還不一樣。有一陣子我轉投amazon.ca的懷抱,因為同樣的東西,加拿大就是比美國便宜,當時最扯的是band of brothers的鐵盒版dvd,一模一樣的一區版,加拿大光在定價上就比美國硬生生便宜台幣1000元,其他書籍也是便宜數十元不等。不過後來我發現加拿大的運送時間慢得要命,美國用普通郵政寄出的話,短則一週,長則兩週內必會收到,加拿大一拖就是一個月;在考慮過要用「金錢換取時間」還是「時間換取金錢」,我又乖乖回到了。
To whom it may concern,可能是時差的關係剛好遇上人家上班時間,回覆來得超快,第二天起床後回信就來了。
Hi,I was ordered a book from and received it few days ago, I
got the order info below.
Order Date: October 5, 2007
Order #: 104-6723925-7991953
* 1 of: Stargate SG-1: The Barque of Heaven: SG-10
Sold by:, LLC
* delivery estimate: February 23, 2008
Today when I reading it I found some mistakes in book binding. After
p.96 it repeat to the book's very beginning and go all the way to p.48,
then cut to p.145, the p.97~p.144 was missing. I took some pictures so
you can understand what's the problem.
I don't know if all this edition has same problem or just mine, maybe
you should contact the publisher and find out. And I think I should get
a normal one from you.
Thank you for attend this.
Hello from這種服務還能抱怨的客戶就真的是澳客了吧?看看在台灣購物退貨的經驗,有好感的八成沒幾次,看來台灣在顧客服務的態度上還有得加強呢。不過顧客的水準也有待提升就是了。
I am sorry for the problem you experienced with your shipment "Stargate
SG-1: The Barque of Heaven: SG-10 (Paperback)".
I've placed a new order for the item "Stargate SG-1: The Barque of
Heaven:.." to be shipped to you as soon as possible. To ensure that your
order is delivered quickly and efficiently, and that these items are not
held up by delays in customs clearance procedures, we create a
replacement order with charges when an international order is lost, damaged,
or incorrect.
The charge for this order is $14.20. We're also refunding the same
amount to your original
order "#104-6723925-7991953". Both the charge and refund will be
applied to the credit card
used on the original order; the refund should be processed within the
next 2-3 business days.
Please note that the refund you receive will be issued in your local
currency and will be calculated with the same rate used when you placed
your order. However, we're only able to charge replacement orders in US
Here are the details of the new order:
Order Number: 104-0332238-7501011.
Shipping Speed: Standard International Shipping.
Estimated Delivery Date: March 19, 2008 - March 27, 2008.
As your business is important to us,and as the cost of return shipping
is prohibitively expensive in this case, you do not need to return the
original item "Stargate SG-1: The Barque of Heaven:..".
Again, we are very sorry for this inconvenience. We appreciate your
business and hope that we will see you again soon at
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Aravind Kumar Customer Service